Images of
Joe Olson

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Birthdate: August, 1984
Height: 5 10
Weight: 200 to 202

Hello my name is Joseph Olson. I have grown up in Peabody Ma, all my life and I currently still live in Peabody. I currently attend Salem State College, and I am in my fourth year in the pursuit of a degree in Finance. I did not go to school in Peabody at all. For grade school I went to a private school in Lynn Ma, and high school I attended St. Johns Prep in Danvers Ma.

All my life I played sports and have been very athletic. I played soccer for about 11 years of my life and I loved it. I loved football, lacrosse, track, and baseball but soccer was my love. I played too much though, all year it was soccer everyday. So while still playing soccer I started to like the idea of weight training and bodybuilding. I grew up around my cousins and brother which were all into bodybuilding. So around the age of 15 I started to play with some dumbbells and so forth in my room and then from there it took off and became my hobby and sport of this day. The past three years of training have been not what it use to be. I have taken months off here and there and I usually would train only 4 times a week. School, work and everyday life just come in to play and I don’t have the time that I use to have in high school for it.

The last 6 to 8 months things have changed though. I left Gold’s Gym in Danvers and joined Gym Worriers, which my friend Paul owns. Since then my training and diet have been getting better and my mental state of wanting to improve has come a long ways. Since joining my training has picked up to about 5 times a week sometimes 6 and for the first time in my life I have been following some kind of diet. I am trying to ease into the dieting thing slowing so hopefully in the months to come ill have it down. I just switched to training two body parts a day and I love it. I am training chest and back, shoulders by themselves, biceps and triceps, legs with traps. I do 10 to 15 minutes of light cardio to warm up before I workout. I am for the first time in my life going to put a real cardio workout in my schedule consisting of 40 minutes three times a week, which is starting in April.

I honestly can say that the goals I have set for myself are goals that have been brought to the next level by John Mitchell. Before meeting John my goals were for myself and if I reached them great, but if I did not I would not be mad I would just keep going with it. Now I have something to work towards and John has inspired me to train and diet harder constantly reminding me that I can have the body and look I want is right around the corner. John has helped me set goals and dates of times to met those goals and that has made me work harder towards what I want to look like. John is beyond understanding and his knowledge of photography and what makes the body look good is obvious when looking at his work and working with him. So thanks to John my training and dieting has been kicked into high gear. So in the months to come I will be completely transforming myself into something that John would say is a piece of art.

I want to thank Paul D. of Gym Worriers for introducing me to John, and of course, thank you John.

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