Images of
Roger Morello

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age: 22, height: 5 9
weight: 180, chest: 43
arms: 16, waist: 33

I was born and raised in Connecticut and moved to New Jersey in 2001 where I still currently reside. At 22 years old, I've been bodybuilding for about five years. I work in construction and try to do as much modeling as I can.

I played high school football and weight trained for strength. That eventually led to bodybuilding, where I became more focused on the look of my physique. I started weight training, however, when I was only twelve years old. I was picked on a lot and I was always the "small" kid on the block, afraid of everything.

But as I began training with weights I felt stronger and more "intense". I discovered a different part of myself that I never knew existed. When I trained with weights I felt fearless stronger it was like I was a completely different person when I hit the weights. I fell in love with that person immediately and I only strived to make that person stronger and more powerful. It consumed every part of my mind, heart, and soul. I believe in my abilities in the gym and in bodybuilding with a sense of faith that's similar to a highly religious person. For me, bodybuilding is a spiritual thing. Bodybuilding can take me places and give me the confidence that probably wouldn't be there otherwise. I owe my life to bodybuilding and, like a good friend, I will never turn my back from it. Bodybuilding is a part of me and it is what I'm good at. I believe that bodybuilding means more to me than most other people, which is why I'm so hard to beat in competition.

Speaking of competitions, I've won several titles since I started in 1997. My titles include:

  • 1998 Teen Mr. Connecticut
  • 1998 Teen Eastern Grand Prix overall regional champion
  • 1998 Junior Olympic silver medallist
  • 1999 Junior Olympic double gold medallist (yes, the following year I decided that losing wasn't my thing)
  • 1999 Teen Mr. America overall national champion

I plan to compete and win in the junior division at the Muscle Mania world Championships in California in November of 2003.

Working with John Mitchell was an all around pleasure. His great personality and excellent know how made the photoshoot very relaxing and comfortable. Even if you have never done a photoshoot, John tells you how to look good for the camera as he guides you into your best look, shot after shot.

I recommend John to anyone and I am going all the way in building an awesome portfolio with him.

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