Images of
Paul Auerbach

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Age: 27
5'9" 154 lbs 30" w
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Born and raised in Miami, FL, I found myself finally leaving home as a result of my job with a major airline. I still live there but stay in Boston, MA while I am working. Soon, I may be working out of NY or Chicago airport.

Before taking to the skies, I have had several jobs including restaurant management and model/acting. I started modeling when I was 17 doing fashion shows at the local mall. I have been spotted in some magazine and did a hair show when my hair was much longer. I have worked on several movie sets as an extra and special extra, and was once upgraded to a principal stand in. My resume includes Miami Rhapsody, Drop Zone, The Specialist, Taco John's commercial principal, Music Videos, infomercials and many more. I decided to take some acting classes to help me but put it all on hold for more steady income to at least live on.

Now I am a flight attendant with a major U.S. carrier. I was based in NY, and then transferred to Boston after a year for a better flight schedule. Now I am looking to go back to NY or Chicago for the same reason. I have been everywhere domestically and have used my free travel benefits to go to places like Aruba, Sydney, Argentina, Germany, Canada, and yes, cities within the States as well.

As I get more time on my hands, I am looking to get into some more modeling and print work. Hopefully thanks to John's talented eye, my pictures will get me some work.

If you have the opportunity to work with John, do so. If anything, it will be fun.

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