Getting Started

So you finally did it. This time it is for real. There is a good explanation as to why you did not last at a previous attempt. Really! Who ever thought that starting a fitness program was really that difficult? It seems as though there are so many failures as to the getting started part. Surely there must be a reason for this, besides not really wanting to do it. Where does the thought of not wanting to do it come from?

Knowing how to, and doing a good workout program can be one of the most fulfilling experiences that someone can have. Maybe I just hit the nail right on the head. Knowing how to start might be one of the biggest deterrents in actually getting started. Now I am not talking about just getting up and going to the gym. I am talking about exactly how to go about planning for the beginning of a fitness program. There is actually a good amount of planning that goes behind a fitness program, and the tough part of this is that there are so many programs out there. Which one works best? One magazine tells you one thing, another person tells you another, while the sales person at gym tells you something completely different.

With all of this confusion I can see how a beginner feels. Where to go for advice can be an issue. There are just so many different ways of doing things that if you attempted to do them all it is no wonder that you would want to quit. The good news is that there is a method to all of this madness.

It is actually a quite simple solution, what you may ask? Oneness, that is it. To start with that is the best thing that you can do. Now if you are wondering what the hell I am talking about I am more than happy to explain.

When I am using the term oneness I am referring to consulting just one source for all of the information that you will need in getting a program started. The less amount confusion that is involved in your program, the more successful your program will be.

Confusion is what kills a majority of beginners from continuing their program. Once you get more advanced then you will have the mindset and capacity to comprehend all of the different variations, and programs that are out there. The next challenge is to find a reliable source for information that you are going to use. One of the best ways to do this is word of mouth.

Talking to friends and associates the work out will often point you to a good source. This is presuming that a reliable source is a qualified professional, or a reputable line of workout videos, or literature. It is always a good idea to be wary of the pal that decides to "take you under their wing" and let you know everything that they know. The one thing to watch out for is getting advice from an under qualified source.

As long as the source that you are getting your information if reputable, and more than one person thinks so, chances are that you are off to a good start.

Once you do get a start that does not confuse you the ball is now in your court, now you can decide to play the game and have a blast, or call it quits. Either way about it, life is short so try to have fun no matter what you do!

Paul Bunting


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